Sunday, December 6, 2015



There's someone in the room
We don't speak to her

She's big
And she's ugly

We know she's here
We don't talk to her
We want her to leave but she won't
She says nothing but we know

We ignore her
 Talk around her

Carefully, never referring
Always on the alert

She won't go away
She's here to stay
We're enured to her
But we don't feed her

Deal with her later
Ignore her at your peril

Reality be damned!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

As I Live My Life (Title and Preface)

As I Live My Life
Philosophical Poems

John Lina

Poems in a similar pattern that could lead to a better understanding of life and living.

As life has progressed there are repeated themes that can be explored in verse.  The general form is two sets of two lines each of assertion, four lines of exposition, two more sets of two lines each of expansion, four lines of erudition, two lines of advice, and a one line conclusion.

I originated this form for esoteric expression.

The Future

The Future

In a turning world
Changes are the horizon

Rise to see

Yes I see it
But do I want to
Yet it will happen
See it or not

My present passes beneath me
Am I willing to let it go


Foreseeing it
Change what can be
Accept what can't be

Let this go
For that

Want to or not

The Dream

The Dream

There is a mountain
Shrouded in the clouds

Where the cotton is high
And the corn's a growin'

The mountain top experience
That is my dream
As I trod along here below
Tripping along the daily path

There are rivers
There are chasms

There are fruited plains
There are shady forests

The path is long
The temptation is great
To stop and enjoy
To give up the quest

But then there's the mountain
Looming in the distance

This is my dream

My Life

My Life

It is sunrise
I stand at the wheel

The silver disk rises from the sea
The chains on Phaeton's chariot clang

I will have known
I will have understood
I will have helped
I will have been helped

It is sunset
I stand at the rail

The orange disk drops into the sea
The rattle of the chariot recedes

Who has helped me
What more do I understand
Where am I
Whom have I helped

I go below
Plot my course

This is my life




Same being
Poles apart

Shakespeare's weaver
Restores the sleeve
Unraveled is the chaos of fatigue
Knitted is the order of love

Psychic energy
Source of order

Youth has deep pools
Aging silts them in


Reverse the entropy
Order from chaos

Life's purpose



Do daily tasks

But skipped only at a risk

If one doesn’t do the dishes…
If one doesn't make one's bed…
Soon enough events overtake one
And the mess has to be addressed

The cupboard is bare
The bills must be paid

A movie
A game

But take care
Lifetime is passing
One only has the between times
To ascend the scales

The energy for it is scarce
And the regimen obscure

Seek and ye shall find